Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 44 - Drywall Started

Our drywall was started today!  We are so excited.  It makes the house more than a shell of bones!  I've just randomly taken some pictures.  It appears that all of the ceilings are done.  As well as most of the upstairs.  I'm excited to see the finished drywall.
I hope they insulate inside the closet... it is touching the "outside"!!
kitchen ceiling
family room ceiling
more family room
bedroom 1
bedroom 2
theres that tiny window again
master bedroom


  1. oooo nice! I can't wait for our drywall. What you said is so true, drywall makes it a little more than shell of bones!

    1. Just wait, it's going to transform before your eyes to a bunch of bones to this living home. It's going to be great!

  2. It's nice to see how well things are moving along. I can't wait until we get to the drywall phase and can really see the rooms take shape.

    Not to highjack your blog posting, but Ryan Homes recently ran a promotion where they invited people to upload a photo of their favorite grilled food. Now they're asking for people to vote for their favorite, today thru next Monday.

    I'd REALLY appreciate it if you could take the time to visit the link ( and vote for my entry: GRILLED CORN, AVOCADO AND TOMATO. Feel free to borrow the recipe I posted there as well!

    Thanks! -

    1. Thank you for stopping by! Drywall is the most exciting part - you get to see your insides for the first time taking shape!

  3. Looks like things are moving quickly for you! Can't wait to see all the trim and fixtures in soon.

    1. I hope that will be soon! I can hardly hold my excitement in!

  4. Once the drywall is in you really feel like its a real house. The fun is just beginning!
