
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why yes, I am stalking your blog!

It's true, I admit it.  I'm ashamed.  I'm stalking your blog!  What else do I have to do?  It's likely a month or maybe even more until we break ground.  SO, I will stalk your blog.  I will eye every step of your homes progress.  Creepy?  Yeah, probably and I'm sorry!  I'm also stalking my new neighborhood.  They need to gate my community just to keep me out.  I wonder if RH offers any treatment for my ailment.  I'm pretty sure I'm obsessed.  I may possibly be borderline OCD. 


  1. That's funny. It seems our homes are going up at the exact same time.. Our expected big dig is on May 22nd at the earliest.. So yeah, we stalk blogs.

    1. It's kind of sad but really, I think we have no other choice!

  2. Happy to help !

  3. LOL!!!! I'm stalking my neighborhood and RH blogs too!!! Our SR will find another job if he spots me again ;-)

    1. I wonder if my SR notices how often I'm really there! LOL!!!

  4. My name is Melissa and I am blog stalker. I am right there with you guys. We were delayed again so it is looking like it will be 6 months after we signed that they will break ground. I can only post so much about my dirt. At least there is a group of us that that are right there with you. We can celebrate our closing date after Labor Day.

    1. Doesn't it seem like some people just luck into all the green lights and others just happen to pull the short straw? :( Welcome Melissa! I hope the days go by quickly for you! Stalking passes the time for me, I can't wait to follow your progress!!

  5. LOL!! I stalked and stalked these RH blogs for 6 months and just finally started my own blog last week. These blogs have been SOOOO helpful. I would have never known what to look out for without them. Happy building!

    1. I have to agree. Blogs are a great way to share information! Thank you! I've joined your blog. Can't wait to see more!
