
Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 8 - Foundation Walls Poured

Today's activity consisted of completing the setup of the foundation forms and pouring the concrete, in the pouring rain I might add.  I do not know if the rain will have any effect on the structure or strength of the walls.  I'll have to ask the PM.  Let's hope it doesn't.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to catch the action of the complete setup.  I really wish I had!  I am concerned the egress and basement windows are in the wrong location.  I trust my PM was on the ball though and they are right where they are supposed to be.  I can hardly wait for the forms to come off just so I can verify they're where they should be.  I am OCD.  There's also some non-standard stuff going on with the garage but I'll post more about that another day once I have confirmed I understand it correctly.

I am still very extremely uneasy about our grading.  It's very obvious to me now that a patio isn't going to be possible without some serious stairs coming out of the morning room door, which is a HUGE problem for our family as some of us have vision problems. 

Livingroom and Garage
Not sure what the white things are - the truck was stuck good!
The truck was about a foot from sliding into the newly filled forms


  1. Watch out!! Looking good over there! We noticed during our build when the forms went up they had white foam between them where the window openings.

    1. AH! I didn't know that!! I saw some foam lying about the lot. I hope they put them in in the right place! Thank you!

  2. Hi! I just found your blog. You are building the Florence, yay! We feel in love with that model but ended up changing since the morning room wouldn't fit into our buildable area. I am glad I can sill see one come up! Btw, nice options! I can't wait to see what it looks like when it all comes together. :)

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog! I am now stalking yours as well. :) Is the Palermo bigger? If so, maybe you made out with the switch! I can't wait to see you house!

  3. Double check those windows, I have read about them putting the windows in the wrong place, better to catch it early.

    1. Thank you Melissa. I also have read the same thing. My fingers are crossed that everything looks ok when the forms come off.

  4. thanks for posting those pictures. We missed this part too.. We seem to have had all the time in the world UNTIL they started working on our house..

    Rain is very good for concrete. It prevents it from drying too fast. A daily dose of rain for about a week will make it stronger and better.

    I don't know about rain while pouring the concrete though..

    1. I'm glad I was able to catch the parts of the process you weren't able to see yourself. I know I'm bound to miss some too. I hate that. I want to see it minute by minute... but I know that's not possible :(

      I have a running list of things to ask the PM about. I know he hates me :(

  5. Hi! I am also building in this community! Any advice on questions for the pre-construction meeting? Ours is tomorrow !!! I'm so excited but nervous! How is the pm?

    1. Yeah!!!!!! I am so glad you found me! You should visit:

      My recommendations are:
      Listen very carefully.
      Make sure you understand where the Furnace/HWH/Air Conditioner/Sump Pump/Gas Line and meter/Water Line and meter/Hose Bibs/Electrical Panel locations are.
      Make sure to understand your lot Right of Way, Easement, Setbacks, Utilities, Driveway, Storm Water Management, Swales, Yard Drains, Clearing, Final Grading.
      Double check your options.
      Question everything. That's your job :)

      And... please e-mail me!

      What lot are you building on? I live 3 minutes away and I don't mind to take pictures for you when I visit. I go sometimes 4 times a day.

    2. Oh, and the PM is nice. He works very hard to make sure we understand what's going on which I appreciate a lot.

    3. We are lot 56. And that would be great! My email is
      I still am waiting for NVR mortgage! It is such a long process! I can't wait to finally be moved in! Elizabeth told me someone was writing a blog so I searched until I found it! Lol. I don't know much about the stuff that you listed so I hope he is good at explaining it! This is all so new to me!
