
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

NVR Mortgage Update #3

We finally heard from our LO with NVRM yesterday.  A few items needed to be sent (proof of deposit checks to RH clearing bank) and I think we're off to Underwriting!  Whew, I'll be so relieved
when this part is over.  Both the SR and LO do not seemed to be concerned that there will be any problems.  Fingers crossed.


  1. Hope you hear good news! It took about a week for our LO to give us the outcome once it went to underwriting.

    1. Thanks! I was excited before, now I feel like hearing this official word will make it more real!

  2. I know. They ask and then re-ask. Then, when you think it is all done they ask again. Hang in there. This part is the most anxiety ridden aspect. Good luck and I hope this finds you learning of your exciting news!
